首先887a0005的问题总共有5种第一种就是your video device is dying slowly, replace it.简单点来说就是你的显卡太垃圾了需要更换。
第二种your video drivers are corrupt, re-install them from your PC/Laptop makers website.显卡的驱动有问题,需要更新最新的驱动或者卸载原来的驱动重新安装。
第三种if your PC is quite old, your power supply may be on its way to the great power supply bone yard - have it checked out;电脑过于老旧,有可能电源出现问题导致无法带动显卡。
第四种.If you're playing games, turn the qualoty from high down to medium or low to take stress off your video card.出现这个问题一般来说就是你调整的画质太高了,你的显卡显存不足爆内存了,需要调低画质重新进入到游戏当中。
第五种if you have a PC and you know what you're doing, open up the bonnet and check the power connections to your video device - re-seat if necessary. Also clean out (with compressed air) your power supply.显卡出现了问题,检测是硬件出现问题还是程序问题,或者检查一下显卡电源是否插好。